I Love What I Do
"I started this gig because I genuinely wanted to help the average homeowner with their repairs and modifications."
As I devoted my time and energy to pursue a diverse skill set in the home improvement arena, that experience also provided a glimpse into the corporate perspective. In that window, the obvious had occurred to me: A franchise can charge more than a month's rent for one day of work, while the homeowner rarely sees the actual material costs, or any proof of what they're paying for beyond vague technical terms in lieu of physical proof of quality. The craftsmanship disappoints while the technician receives a mere fraction of those excessive fees, and that incentive to give 100% is simply non-existent for those who work for the clock versus those who work for the company that stands between them and the actual customer. In essence, you're overpaying for a service that doesn't recognize you for anything more than numbers, and you really dont know if they have your best interests at heart. That dynamic is obviously uneven, but not surprising when you factor in overhead costs, and the basic principles of running a business for profit. The red flags go on, but I digress. Nevertheless, I wanted to break away from the tradition of sales before service, and bring something real to the table.
I am a family man, and I know the importance of trusting the person you hire, and welcome into your home. When I agree to work for you, I promise altruism, and complete transparency. You deal with me, and only me directly. No communication breakdown. No third-party hassle, and zero price gouging.